Thursday, December 6, 2012

If You Decide to Go to Lansing today...

I have suggested you are better off staying home today. But, if you decide to head to Lansing, Americans for Prosperity is providing a tent, which, by the way, is NOT paid for by taxpayer dollars, as Senator Gretchen Whitmer has suggested. All the details are below.

From AFP-Michigan...
Right-to-Work legislation is on the agenda for a vote (today). The unions are already organizing, with plans to bus in thousands of their members to the Michigan Capitol. They want to bully our lawmakers into standing down.

Our legislators who are committed to standing for worker freedom need us now more than ever. Please join Americans for Prosperity-Michigan tomorrow at 10:00 AM at the Michigan Capitol to support our lawmakers in this historic battle.

December 6, 2012
10:00 AM
Michigan Capitol
100 Capitol Ave.
Lansing, MI

We will provide heated tents, safe-haven zones, food, warm drinks, talking points and gas cards for those who need one. Email for more information or to let us know that you are coming.

Don't let unions be the only voice in Lansing tomorrow. Join Americans for Prosperity-Michigan in the fight for economic freedom.

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