Sunday, September 30, 2007

School employee insurance reform!

SB546 would ask new school employees only, NOT current ones, to begin to pay more into their own health care plan. Commonly known as "graded health care premiums". Although it would not resolve any short term budget issues, it is a major reform. The cost of health insurance for school employees is huge, it eats up at least $1000 of every student's foundation grant dollars.

This reform will begin to bring down the long term cost of public education. It's a good thing.

Alas, it only received 51 YES votes.


Anonymous said...

Jack are we getting screwed? Where is the deal? What did the republicans get for defecting?

Anonymous said...

Jack are we getting screwed? Where is the deal? What did the republicans get for defecting?

Anonymous said...

Why vote for a reform when you can just raise our taxes. Dems just don't want to bite the hand that feeds them.

I can't express how frustrated I am that they can get away with this.

Joel Oliver said...

Makes sense, I mean why implement meaningful refoms, when we can continue to bleed the tax payers dry! Someday they'll get it Jack, I have faith they will, it will probably be far to late for you or I, but someday they will realize the err of their ways.

Anonymous said...

No wonder you guys never get anything accomplished, you blogging during session.

All of you are useless!

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for Jack we wouldn't know what was going on except for what the liberal media is going to tell us. KEEP BLOGING JACK!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Unfortunately, reforming who pays the ever increasing portion of a families income that goes to insurance will only take more and more of most working families expendable income.
What we need is more students getting into medical schools, and reducing the cost of getting a medical degree. Simple supply and demand folks.
More doctors and fewer loan payments to amortize means lower medical costs .

Anonymous said...

It is CLEAR the MEA doesn't care about the children of Michigan. They care about their own greed! The MEA is a bunch of crap...

We have some of the best funded schools in the country - but anyone wonder WHY many of them are nearly broke? Programs being cut?

The MEA.

A vote for reforming MESSA is a vote for the Children! A vote against reform is a vote against the children of Michigan!