Thursday, October 1, 2009

The taxpayers are winning! Not even Dems want to vote for taxes.

Here is a report from MIRS:

Do not expect a vote on revenue increases (a.k.a. tax hikes) in the House as part of the immediate budget solution for Fiscal Year (FY) 2010, House Speaker Andy DILLON (D-Redford Twp.) told reporters this evening.

Amid speculation that Dillon simply can't get enough votes in his 67-member caucus for even relative moderate tax hikes, the Speaker said the problem was the five-day rule, a Constitutional provision that states all bills that initially pass the House must sit in the Senate before they are acted upon.


Jack McHugh said...

If the prison guards decide to unlock the doors and walk away, the should consider who all those bad people may want to visit first . . .

Gary said...

"... the Speaker said the problem was the five-day rule, a Constitutional provision ..."

Ah, that pesky Constitution again; sounds like those things are a real problem for Democrats.

Anonymous said...

We are not winning. These imbeciles will keep messing around with OUR money, and sooner or later, we will get the shaft - AGAIN. May be we ought to picket the MEA offices, and tell them to "shut up".

Anonymous said...

That's more like it!

maidintheus said...

This article nails it:

maidintheus said...

Why would you say, "...guards decide to unlock the doors..." when there's an emergency plan in place? This would not happen! The contingency plan would allow for true essentials to remain funded.

I believe a shutdown would provide the ideal opportunity to create healthy budgets and correct problems in our school system.

If citizens were called on to help out the many who would experience hardship due the weaning off the engorged gov't teet, it would lead to better health in every area. This would by no means be painless but it would be healthy and profitable.

My other solution is for all who own businesses/are gainfully employed to cease any work, all at the same time for about a week. This would starve gov't and wake up gov't officials. I'd be willing to take that temporary hit in order to eliminate the constant hits and continual deficits.

Where am I wrong?