Tuesday, October 6, 2009

House Democrats Vote To Raise Your Taxes

Here is a press release from Bill Rogers, Rep. from Livingston County.

Tonight, Lawmakers Penalize Taxpayers, Business Owners and Doctors

I am outraged that tonight, the House Democrats pushed through a series of tax increases on Michigan residents and job providers in order to balance the state's budget, while stalling for the last nine months!

In bills ultimately approved by the Democrat-led state House, the proposals raise taxes by almost $400 million, including the elimination of $116 million in Michigan Business Tax credits that Livingston County businesses have been utilizing, a new health care tax, and the elimination of a scheduled $100 increase in per person deduction for state income taxes.

It is unbelievable to me that we even considered tax increases when Michigan families and businesses already took a massive hit in 2007 with an income tax increase and a massive 23% surcharge tax added onto the new Michigan Business Tax (MBT). To bring up tax increases at the 11th hour under the cover of darkness is a stunning breach of the public trust. We had a bi-partisan, signed agreement to balance the state's budget without raising taxes, and now the Democrats have broken that deal!

To end a government shutdown in 2007, Democrats proposed and pushed through a $1.4 billion tax increase, one of the largest ever in Michigan's history. Since that time, Michigan's unemployment rate has more than doubled. The state is facing a $3 billion shortfall for the current fiscal year it is working on and is already facing a projected $1.4 billion shortfall for the following fiscal year!!!

We must balance the state's budget without relying on Michigan residents and business owners to send more of their hard-earned money to Lansing. I am embarrassed that the House Leadership continues to pass the buck on Michigan's future instead of making the tough decisions that need to be made.

We MUST look at making the structural reforms now if we ever want to get our state back on track financially and economically.

All taxes bills passed by the Michigan House must now be approved by the Michigan Senate and signed by the Governor. To see how your Legislator voted on these tax increases, please visit www.michiganvotes.org.

MAIN PHONE LINE: (517) 373-1784
DIRECT PHONE LINE: (517) 373-8005


Unknown said...

That will make us #50 for sure...who needs to be #49, when we can be at the very bottom!
Take a look at:

Maybe we'll be able to throw the bums out next time...but I won't hold my breath :-(

Anonymous said...

A signed agreement? Can we see this signed agreement??

Anonymous said...

6th in regulatory environment? That puts the lie to all those who claim that we're over-regulated in Michigan.

Rogers13 said...

Once again, our state representatives prove to all of us that they do not represent the people of Michigan.

They have once again 'chosen' to represent special interest persons and groups and the interests of the 'state' at the expense of Michigan families and businesses.

The consequences of more than forty years of extravagance have finally fallen onto the apparently weak shoulders of our current crop of legislators. They are, at this moment, proving to every family and business in Michigan that they do not have the common sense and the courage to do what is right for their constituents.

They have 'chosen' to be self-serving abusers of our fragile system of government. They have 'chosen' to ignore reality. They have 'chosen' to ignore the damage to Michigan and its families and businesses that will be caused by the imposition of an increased tax burden.

They have proven to us, once again, that their needs [wants] are more important than those of us who provide the revenues that make it possible for them to live in a world of make-believe. They have, once again, 'chosen' to take, by force of law, from Michigan citizens who can no longer afford to sacrifice themselves and their families to an out-of-control Michigan government.

Rotti said...

All their actions fall right in line with what's going on in Washington. I fear our future.