Thursday, May 3, 2007

It Pays to be a Hobbit in Lansing, or what I had to eat today.

The life of a legislator is one that only a Hobbit can really appreciate.

Breakfast was hosted by a union organization.
Second breakfast was provided courtesy of "Fight Crime, Invest in Kids."
"Luncheons" came from a Michigan Association representing an industry group.
"Dinner" was provided by the "Michigan Council for Maternal and Child Health".
Ah, but then, when we got to the house floor at noon for "work" we got a REAL meal. A fully catered dinner from the Radisson, courtesy of a Rep. who was celebrating the passage of his first bill. We enjoyed pasta with red or white sauce, baked chicken, two kinds of salad, bread sticks, Jones Soda, and tasty little pastries for dessert.
It's a good thing we get all this charity because the $1000 per month of tax free expense allowance we receive would never cover our need for proper sustenance.


Kazoo Tax Foe said...

That's OK Jack. You need to eat to keep up your strength, as you battle the evil forces of Sauron, or the MEA.

Isaac M. Morehouse said...

Great post. I'm really hungry now.

But what about "elevensies"?


Old Salt said...

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they never taught us this lesson on civics.

Lobbying Liberals 101:
Give a legislator a meal and they eat for a day - and reciprocate with barrels of pork for years and years.

Jon Koller said...

maybe you can start posting on and sharing the wealth.