Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Symbolic Gesture

We just passed HCR 26, a resolution requesting the State Officers Compensation Commission (SOCC) to recommend a 5% reduction in the salaries of members of the Legislature. Big deal. Guess when the SOCC meets again? November 2008.


Anonymous said...

Good for you, Jack, posting live from the floor. This is to be encouraged.

Anonymous said...

They have tie-barred 4800, close double-dipping pension loophole, to the giant income tax hike (3.9 percent to 4.6 percent.) That means this is a test vote on the tax hike. The bill is on second reading, but nothing is happening, and at 9:00 pm the house "stood at ease," presumably because they don't yet have the votes and are arm-twisting.



Anonymous said...

In 1999, former Rep Clark Bisbee introduced legislation that would put a SOCC reform on the ballot. Making it so that the legislature had to vote to approve a pay increase, not just vote it down. This bill passed the House and died in the Senate. I'd like to see you re-introduce this bill.