Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Senate elites speak their minds

The Senate Government Operations Committee held a hearing today on the topic of whether the Legislature should go part-time. Chairman and Majority Leader Mike Bishop gave strong and earnest support to the concept.

Some of his colleagues on the committee however, had a different view. One member expressed concern for how much work is involved and wondered how we could EVER do this job on a part-time basis. "The time spent in this career as a legislator is so intensive and so time-consuming that unless you walk in our shoes for a week, you never know just how much we do and the sacrifices that our families really make for us to be here."

Another member made it clear that 50-60 hours a week is just not enough time to get all the work done and to fulfill all the demands and requirements of being a legislator. There was also a subtle suggestion that, what with a $40 billion budget to oversee, perhaps we are underpaid!

The topper was a simple statement made by a third member of the committee who shall remain nameless. Keeping in mind our track record over the last five months, this Senator said, "I think we have an effective legislature."

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