Thursday, December 6, 2012

Michigan is a Freedom to Work State!

From Capitol Confidential
LANSING — Bills that would make Michigan the 24th right-to-work state in the nation passed in the House and Senate on Thursday evening. It appears likely that the bills be sent to the governor early next week.

In the late afternoon, the bills began moving, House Bill 4054 was passed by the House. Later, Senate Bill 116 and House Bill 4003 were passed by the Senate after lengthy debate. The bills now each move to the other chambers and passage could be as soon as Tuesday. Gov. Snyder didn't hesitate about what he would do when a final bill hits his desk, saying that when the bill "arrives on my desk, I plan on signing it." Read full story here.


Unknown said...

Jack can you share which 4 GOP Senators voted against FTW?

Unknown said...

Who were the 4 Republicans?