Monday, April 30, 2012

Abortion Recovery for Teens and Twenties

ART Abortion Recovery for Teens and Twenties is a 9 week Bible Study book to help those hurting from an abortion. The book was written by Heidi Heystek and Donna Steinke both of whom had abortions as teenagers. The goal is to help these young women find healing through Jesus Christ while they are still young. Most post abortive women do not seek help for dealing with the guilt, shame, and grief until 10 or more years after they had the abortion. During that time they often struggle with addictions, eating disorders, relationship issues, depression, and other trials, causing themselves and their families much pain. If they can find healing sooner they can avoid most of these problems and become the godly women God desires them to be. This book is now available at to order as a book or as an e-book. If you have any questions they can be directed toward Donna Steinke at

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